Hi Steve,
I just wanted to follow up and let you that I LOVE my new Flux Tone speaker. I have been playing it hard since you sent it and it is awesome. After spending a few days just tweaking knobs and finding the right combination of volume, master volume and VMT setting, I have got the best sound I have ever gotten out of this amp. And the amp is just so much easier to play. I have the Master Volume basically turned all the way up now and volume set about 50% on one channel (awesome crunch), and the Master and Volume at about 50%(good clean with the guitar volume at 5, nice soft crunch with guitar on 10) on the other. Then I just use the VMT to control the overall sound output which is super convenient because the tone doesn’t change so it is much easier to go from practice volume to gigs.
Normally when you use the Volume and Master Volume to control the amp distortion, you have to keep adjusting them as you raise the volume, and then you have to tweak your pedals as well. With the VMT the amp gain can basically be set and you get the same response at the guitar, and the pedals no matter the volume. This is a huge benefit for me since we practice in a small place and play a huge range of club sizes.
Anyway, I just love this thing, and the other guys in the band think it sounds great. You have a great technology. I am going to write a letter to Dave Hunter who writes in Guitar Player and tell him to check this thing out. Have you contacted him, I think he would love your product.